Lead the way in advanced transit technology and security.
Lead the way in advanced transit technology and security.
As technology continues to evolve, commuters expect transit technology and security to evolve with it. Noviam provides transit personnel with actionable data and better planning capabilities for efficient resource allocation, fleet health maintenance, and rapid risk response to keep up with technological expectations in public transit.
Rapid Response Time
Security managers can minimize response time by using data from all security sensors to implement standard operating procedures in the event of incidents and threats. Multiple intrusion detection technologies such as video analytics and radar help keep commuters safe.
Seamless Integration and Scalability
Our security solution is robust, dynamic, and adaptable. A unified security platform simplifies transit operations and helps keep commuters safe and on time. Our scalable transit solution integrates seamlessly with most industrial grade cameras.
Intelligent Automatic License Plate Recognition
Noviam delivers the next level in verification technology. Our automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system augments many applications demanding read function. Law enforcement, parking enforcement, access control, and traffic surveillance simply work better and faster with Noviam’s flexible ALPR. Noviam’s ALPR delivers the highest possible accuracy, so you can catch critical information that would otherwise be missed.
Our Process
Deliver superior public transit to commuters with smart technology solutions. Noviam can get you started by designing your custom project and assisting you with installing, testing, training, and managing your smart technology system.
Contact Us
Get in touch with our team so we build a smart technology solution for your transit operation.